Central Florida Street Sweeping services include general street sweeping, mill sweeping, and construction sweeping. Here at Prosweep, we cover it all. We provide street sweeping services for large neighborhoods, municipalities, construction companies, and a wide variety of other clientele. We service everything from light traffic roads to high traffic highways. With plenty of safety equipment on hand, we assure the safety and well being of our employees, as well as the members of your community.
Prosweep Central Florida offers two methods of street sweeping service. For heavier debris, millings, and bulk leaves and branches, Prosweep Central Florida uses a mechanical broom sweeper, which uses a large spinning rear broom in conjunction with two side brooms to move debris to a conveyor belt, where it then travels to a hopper for dumping. For lighter debris, large parking lots receiving a seal coat, or roadways and neighborhoods where dust may be an issue, we bring out a large vacuum sweeper. The end result is a clean curb line, parking lot, or roadway and the satisfaction that you got the most for your money.
Reliable, safe, and thorough are only some of the attributes we offer to you with our street sweeping services. Reliability comes in the form of our ability to be there for you in the event of a major emergency sweep. We are also reliable due to our equipment on hand. We have enough trucks to cover our accounts and then some. We outfit our dump trucks with crash attenuators to stay DOT compliant and ensure the safety of drivers on the road, as well as our street sweeper operators.